10 Best Blog Niches to Earn Money in 2020

So the creative bug of blogging has bitten you too and now like other millions of them out there, even you have decided to start blogging. And yes, you heard us right there are millions of blogs and millions of article per day gets posted. We are not at all disheartening or demotivating you but just giving you the reality check, so that if you are serious about blogging and are also interested to do it professionally then you can follow essential guidelines.

Instant of starting blogging vaguely, you need to predominantly think over the niche. Only choosing the right niche will help you reap benefits. A profitable subject matter will increase your reach, boost engagement, and eventually aid you in earning good money.

How to choose a blog niche?

There are countless blogs out there that die within weeks or months or simply go unnoticed. And one of the main reasons for such poor performance is paying less heed to selection of niche. Blogging is a creative business. You should always look for some subject matter that interests you or you have knowledge about. This will ease your writing work and always keep you motivated. You don’t need to be an expert, a favorite subject with good research can help you get started productively.

Just sit and analyze your area of interest, think about your hobbies, passion, this is enough to kick off with your personal blog.

Best blog niches

If you already have a topic or an idea of what to write about, then here are some top blogging niches that generally receive much traffic and can be profitable. Trying picking the niche that perfectly fits in your topic.


Following fashion trends could be your hobby or staying up to date could be your style statement. You might be the one who is constantly being complimented for what you are wearing and know-how to carry yourself perfectly on any occasion. Somewhere if you relate to all these, then congratulations you have found your niche.

The tremendously popular blogging niche, Fashion has fairly a good chance to attract organic traffic. It is the most searched category and most loved too. There are unlimited topics that you can cover under this niche. Fashion could be anything, clothing (men, women, kids), accessories, latest trends, make-up, and so on. Even your blog can remain active with fresh content as you can keep on updating it with the latest fashion news.

In fact not just blog, you have a great opportunity to expand your reach by promoting your work on platforms such as Instagram and YouTube and become a fashion influencer.


Lifestyle is a broader niche and there are many opportunities to connect with a vast audience. The audience could be based on gender, age, health, etc. In fact subjects like health, fashion, food, travel, beauty can also come under lifestyle niche. There are always popular sub-groups which you can focus on one by one.

Any topic or subject related to our daily lives can fall under this niche. Like for example the current world situation of lockdown, self-isolation, and the life-threatening pandemic, you can grab the attention of the audience by suggesting to them some tips to cope up with this condition. It can be anything like how to beat the anxiety, how to stay healthy, what all recipes they can cook, how to maintain social distancing, and so on.

Since more and more people around the globe are searching for such content, you have awesome opportunities to grab the attention of the maximum public and boost organic traffic in no time. Lifestyle is seriously a profitable niche.


Now, who doesn’t love food? As there are some popular lines – “Some eat to live while some live to eat”, in both ways food is important. If you are the one who loves to indulge in fancy restaurant food or crave for street food or simply love eating home cook food or experiment new recipes then Food is certainly your niche.

This is a hugely popular segment and along with amazing food-related content if you are able to post some finger-licking food pictures then nobody could stop the traffic from coming to your blog. Your food-related blog can include anything, it could talk about the popular dishes around the world, cookbooks, cooking videos, tutorials anything that can be further categorized in vegetarian, non-vegetarian, eggetarian, vegan, gluten-free, diet and so on. You can also focus on food allergies to add a uniqueness to your blog. Food blogs are best to build a loyal audience.

Personal finance

Managing expenses, finances, savings, in short, managing money is always a complicated task. If you are a finance-savvy individual you can surely be a helping hand to many by offering useful tips, strategies, and guidelines related to personal finance.

However, this is not a niche that you can easily write on. A lot of research work and analysis will be required to write on personal finance topics. You can check out forums or search engines for the most frequently asked queries related to personal finance and write a detailed article. This will grab the attention of the readers who are looking for help.

Health and fitness

‘Stay fit’ has become an anthem of many humans around the globe and this gest is compelling the audience to look out for content related to diets, fitness activities, healthy foods, and everything helps them to lead a healthy lifestyle. So, evidently health and fitness are popular as well as a lucrative niche to kick off with.

If you too are a fitness freak or possess an interest in any fitness regime like yoga, cross-fit, gyming, etc., it will be easy for you to write blogs. You can target a particular exercise type or a particular audience. You can even focus on different approaches to a healthy life like acupuncture, ayurvedic, homeopathy. You can also share your health journey as a real-life story that tends to catch more interest and serve as motivation.

Technology and Gadgets

The tech-savvy ones are always in quest of innovative technologies, the launch of new gadgets, cutting edge games, and to keep this larger audience hooked your tech-driven articles will surely be helpful.

Whether it is in-depth product reviews, comparison of gadgets, technology hacks, the list of the best software in the market, everything has a dedicated audience and since they prefer to regularly visit blogs in search of information, there are more chances to reap benefits. Tutorials or user manuals are also famous categories of this niche. Not just teens but even boomers or a bit older generation look for gadgets using easy tutorials or how-to articles. Target them and increase your organic traffic


Though this popular category is being untouched now but not for long. As soon as this pandemic (COVID-19) is over, wanderlusts will be excited to once again explore the world, and travel blogs would be their first place to explore as they come in search of locations. So, in fact, this is the best time to start with a travel blog if you were planning to do one.

Travel is definitely a hugely popular niche and since it is so in demand, there’s a colossal competition. Every other blogger these days is turning into a travel influencer. If you want to outshine, you need to write something out-of-the-box. Instead of focusing on cliche destinations and topics, you can try out something different and unique.

Talk about the numerous unexplored places around the globe. You can currently focus on places that are safe to travel after quarantine as it predicted to be the most searched topic. Or if you, yourself are a traveler, tell about your travel stories, strange experiences, etc., write about the local cuisines of specific destinations. The topics are unlimited, you just have to be creative, friendly, and keep the readers connected. Don’t forget to mention the budget, stay options, pocket-friendly restaurant options, and rather than downloading location, places pictures from Google, post your own clicks as it will make the article more real and engaging.


Parenting is a tough job and no first-time parents have aced in it. Experience counts and if you are an experienced parent then this could surely be your niche where you can be champion. Just like traveling, even in parenting blogs, real-life stories work wonders.

If you have kids, you must have certainly tried out every possible way to deal with different situations of handling kids. There are different stages of parenting, right from handling toddler to teen. Some articles inspired by your experience, some articles inspired by other parents’ experience, this way you can create a large inventory of articles. Even for this niche, the topics are limitless. To make your articles stand out, you can add witty incidences too, that would be relatable to the audience though.


DIY (Do It Yourself) is the new trend. Everybody is now trying to discover their hidden talents and DIY articles are the best source for them. Whether it is decorating, recycling, upcycling or simply inventing, DIY tutorials or how-to articles have a great fan following. You can just experiment with something yourself and if it succeeds, turn it into an article. Surely people who are interested will devotedly follow your blog.


Just like DIY, even crafts category is something that is fascinating for many. Since the world is turning out to be more creative, you can help them out with some crafty ideas. Knitting, painting, jewelry making, pottery, if any of the craft-making activity is your hobby, go for this niche then. Help people to learn something new.

For a more engaging approach, create videos, or support your article with step-by-step pictures of craft making.

The more you search for niche, the more you will get confused as the options are endless. It is better to identify your interest and decide which is profitable more convenient to update with fresh topics on a regular basis and then start blogging without further ado.

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