What is WordPress?

WordPress is an open-source tool to create and manage the website easily.

In simpler words, it is probably the easiest and most powerful free blogging software.

According to wikipedia.org “WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL.”

Initially, it was largely used as a blogging platform. It later grew into a content management system rather than a blogging tool. 

Now it is used for developing a wide range of sites including corporate websites, blogs, eCommerce, business directory, forum, photo galleries, and many more.

How does WordPress work?

WordPress is easy to use content management system. You can install it on your web server within minutes. There is also a hosted version of WordPress freely available on wordpress.com.

After setting up a site on hosting server or wordpress.com you can easily create web pages using its web-based editor.

Who uses WordPress?

WordPress is used by individual bloggers to big businesses. Many popular blogs, celebrities, universities, news sites, eCommerce sites, and fortune 500 companies are using WordPress to publish their content online.

Famous retired sprinter Usain Bolt, celebrity Russell Brand, tech giant Microsoft News Center are using WordPress.

According to W3techs WordPress has 61.1% of the CMS market share.

Another study done by Bultwith says 50% of the top 1 million CMS powered sites are using WordPress.

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